Holly Leaf Dental Centre is a modern dental practice situated in the heart of historic Midland, Western Australia.
We cater for all your dental needs in a friendly, relaxed and calm environment.

Call us now for an appointment: 9250 1718

Gentle Dentist


At Holly Leaf Dental Centre, we totally understand your “fear of the dentist”. Our sympathetic staff will listen carefully to your concerns, and spend extra time to ensure that you are relaxed before treatment begins. If your anxieties are difficult to overcome,  IV sedation or inhalation relief is also available upon request.

Book Appointment / Enquiry

Open Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Suite 4/40 Victoria St, Midland (Map)

Call: (08) 9250 1718
Email: info@hollyleafdental.com.au